Monday, November 24, 2008


Before I start off blogging, I have to do what I always do, and engage in a bit of pointless introspection. Who am I to blog? Who cares what I have to say? Is it arrogant to think that half the world cares about what I, or other bloggers, have to say? And what about the ability to hurt or cause damage as a result of throwing out in public random thoughts, or rants that result from a particularly bad day. All these question pop into my head as I write. Not to mention the more personal concerns, such as what if I come across as an idiot, can't spell, can't write.
I am not comfortable putting myself out there for all the world to read about. I am of a generations where privacy is important, and one's personal life is no one's business. I assume that by blogging I will be giving up a part of that cherished privacy and anonymity.
Since this is my first time blogging, I apologize to anyone who stumbles across this page for its lack of cohesion and coherence. This is a work in progress, and should it continue, will almost certainly be changed on a regular basis. I will also apologize in advance for any rants that may offend. There are days when certain things will provoke a rant, and while I don't intend to hurt any individual, there will be shrapnel flying all over the place, and some innocent people might be injured.

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